AOC -Free Asset Pack-
A downloadable asset pack
AOC is short for Adopt Older Cats.
This is a Free Asset Pack, dedicated to the awareness of many older cats out there that need adopting.
The Assets were original made for GB Studio games, but should be useable for any game with the various resolutions included.
With this initiative, im looking to bring a highlight to this subject.
Please feel free to use these assist to integrate AOC in to your game(s) to bring awareness. Can also be used on social media!
The mascot of AOC Is Mr Meow from my indie games, please do not misuse for anything other than the purpose of AOC.
Let me know if you integrate AOC into your game, as I would like to highlight them here.
. AOC Assets Sheet
. Logo
. Patch Logo
. AOC Logo Word
. Long Logo
. 22 Assets in total
Put the Assets where ever you want in your game! For example, maybe as a in game poster? I put the Patch Logo in the credits.
This page and asset pack will be continuously updated overtime
Planned additions:
.Various different boot screens
Credit is not needed, but appreciated.
Downloadable in .RAR or .ZIP file.
Here’s the folder lay out.
AOC- (Folder)
AOC Assets Sheet (Files)
-Logo (Folder)
-Normal Logo- (Files)
-Transparent Logo- (Files)
-GB Colour Logo- (Files)
-Patch Logo (Folder)
-Normal Patch Logo- (Files)
-Transparent Patch Logo- (Files)
-Alternate Transparent Patch Logo- (Files)
-AOC Logo Word (Folder)
-AOC Transparent Long Logo Word- (Files)
-AOC Transparent Short Logo Word- (Files)
-Long Logo (Folder)
-Long Logo GB Colour- (Files)
-Long Logo Transparent- (Files)
-MrE 🐱
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- 🐱AOC -Adopt Older Cats- Free Asset Pack Released! 🐱Feb 23, 2023
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